Elf Army Set

Artikelnummer: MGKWE81-1
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

65.00 nicht verfügbar


Hersteller: Mantic Games Maßstab: 28mm

An Elven host on the tabletop is an almighty sight to behold; a shining mix of armour, spear and bow. The Elves are elite warriors and one of the hardest armies to beat in a battle.

The Elf Army Set contains over seventy 28mm plastic figures, including: 20 Elf Spearmen; 20 Elf Seaguard; 20 Bowmen; 10 Scouts and 2 Bolt Throwers with crew. Also included is an Elf Wizard on Horse; a metal model exclusive to this set, and for the first print run only, 10 free Elf Spearmen! A free printed copy of the Kings of War rules are also included, meaning that will let you start playing games immediately.

This gives you everything you need to start building and gaming with an Elf army, whether you're starting a new army or adding to an existing collection.

This set includes: Free printed Kings of War Rules 10 Free plastic Elven Spearmen 1 metal Wizard on Horse 20 plastic Elven Spearmen with Command 20 plastic Elven Seaguard with Command 20 plastic Elven Bowmen with Command 10 plastic Elven Scouts 2 plastic Elven Bolt Throwers Mantic Points 81 20mm bases

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