Superstar: Chuck

Artikelnummer: TTC_RSG-STAR-26
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

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Hersteller: TT Combat Maßstab: 28-30mm Spielsystem: Rumbleslam

"Each time Chuck wrestles, something goes wrong. Ropes break, canvases collapse and turnbuckles snap, but only to give him some deadly new advantage. The chilling clown of the ring has undergone investigations countless times but none have been able to prove that he tampers with the rings prior to his fights. His fans paint their faces and fingers to match their hero, and start fights in the stands to the laughter of wrestler below."

How best to describe Chuck? Well, "killer clown" is a good start. "Offensive and dextrous mastermind" is another one. With a crazy amount of Gold dice and +1s to his stats, Chuck is a solid wrestler that can accomplish pretty much anything you want of him. With High Flyer and a Rope Ability that has the Jump and Rocket special rules Chuck can be at the other side of the ring in no time. And any enemy wrestler he passes over during his Drive-by Clothes Line takes 2 Damage to boot!

Chuck makes a great choice for any Gomorrah team, and actually pairs very well with The Runic Thunder, who really benefit from a little aggression and speed.

Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base.

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