Teams: Timber Fists

Artikelnummer: TTC_RSG-TEAM-09
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

34.90 nicht verfügbar


Hersteller: TT Combat Maßstab: 28-30mm Spielsystem: Rumbleslam

This team loves nature! They love it so much they take it into the ring with them! The Timber Fists are a team centred around their big guy. The Treeman is a hardy wrestler with many useful attacks and abilities. Keep near him and watch the enemy squirm away from these Forest Soul fighters.

Sprite Brawlers and Sprite Grapplers are incredibly weak. Luckily they're so small they're hard to hit! These little piskies are best kept out of the way until you need them (and with the highest movement in the game, that's not hard!). Their Healer and Spirit Share abilities are great for regenerating health for the rest of the team.

Amazonian Brawlers and Amazonian Grapplers are strong ladies! They're solid all-rounders whose Treetop Acrobat ability is invaluable. Keep them near the Treeman for maximum effectiveness!

The giant Treeman is one of the toughest wrestlers in RUMBLESLAM. And that's not all! They have extremely versatile abilities. From Devastating turnbuckle attacks to the debilitating Vine Snare, the Treeman really can do it all. Except move quickly.

This box contains one of each: Sprite Brawler, Sprite Grappler, Amazonian Brawler, Amazonian Grappler, and Treeman. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.

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