D12 Black & white Hit Location die (1)

Artikelnummer: QWS_12HIT05
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Lieferbar in ca: 7-10 Tage/Days


Hit Location die

A vivid description of the plot is extremely important in Role Playing Games. Only the direct blows count during fights and it would be nice to know where did you hit and how badly. Otherwise, there is no fun. Q WORKSHOP found a solution for all the RPG systems that do not specify hit locations in their rules. We present the newest D12 Hit Location dice. Smash or cripple your enemy with one precise roll! Have satisfaction that your hero doesn’t only reach locations below knees of the opponents bigger than him. Take this giant die, made with high-quality plastic, destined to rolling and throwing on the table in dramatic emphases. Then you can tell epic stories on how perfectly your hero attacked the weak spot of your enemy armor. No helmet, so no more head! We decided to not put any texts on die faces. Even Ancient Egyptians, those read-only hieroglyphs, would understand the beautifully carved silhouettes on D12 Hit Location dice. We chose elegant, durable pictures instead of texts because we want to make our bestseller product as universal as possible.

Size: approx 30mm D12 Black & white Hit Location die (1)

We want to sow mourning in hearts of your hero’s enemies. Black & white Hit Location die is as dark as night. We recommend it for all honest and not so honest ninja, assassins and other villains hard working in the shadows.

Dear Gamemaster, you also gain destiny tool for the location of mutations. Give your players an illusion of blind fate when a storm of arrows hits the heroes in the most unexpected parts of their body in a clash of battle. We created a tremendous die, and it’s not only the size we’re speaking of. We hope that you will have great rolls and many direct hits!

List of Hit Locations: 1.Head, 2. Neck, 3.Torso, 4. Right Arm, 5. Left Arm, 6. Right Hand, 7. Left Hand, 8. Underbelly, 9. Right Leg, 10. Left Leg, 11. Right Foot, 12. Left Foot;

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