Blood Bowl: Death Zone ENGLISCH

Artikelnummer: 200-05-60
inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

31.50 nicht verfügbar


Bitte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

Blood Bowl is a sprawling and chaotic game, played in many different ways across the world. Whether it's playing a quick game of Sevens, hiring unscrupulous mercenary players to help you score an easy win, or venturing out in conditions that could hardly be called ideal, this variety makes for no dull moments in a game that's already known for ferocious action.

The Death Zone supplement includes a wide array of additional rules designed to pack even more excitement, tension, and action into your games. Explore the world of Blood Bowl in more depth, employ new inducements, add mercenary players, and play half-sized games for faster, more frantic gameplay.

This 104-page hardback book includes new ways to enjoy your games of Blood Bowl, plus expanded background material and a variety of thrilling options for every team.

  • Explore the world of Blood Bowl in greater detail than ever before.
  • A wealth of fresh Inducements – convince a wide array of Wizards, coaching staff, and bribed referees to help you clinch victory.
  • Hire mercenary players – skilled athletes who are happy to get the job done for any coach with coin.
  • Alternative weather tables represent extreme locations like tropical forests, arctic tundra, and subterranean caverns.
  • Details on how to play Sevens – a fast and frantic version of Blood Bowl, played on a smaller pitch, with fewer players. It’s a great way to squeeze in a quick game or try out some new plays.

You'll need a copy of Blood Bowl – The Official Rules to make full use of this supplement.

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