MATTE Mini European-Sized Boardgame Sleeves 46 x 71 mm

Artikelnummer: BF-GGS10065ML
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

3.49 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock


oard-game cards suffer from frequent shuffling and heavy touching, therefore their protection should be of huge interest to any devoted board gamer. These board-game sleeves provide a premium protection and still keep a great shuffle feel. With their matte lamination, these sleeves block annoying reflections to ensure that cards are clearly visible from all angles and avoid symptoms of eye fatigue during gameplay. The reinforced thickness of 100 microns adds weight and strength to all cards and provides a premium appearance.

The well-known and established Sleeve Color Codes by Fantasy Flight Games™ are continued in this product line. Players will recognize the proven color system and find new sizes with new color codes FEATURES

Matte back and front for clear visibility, averting symptoms of eye fatigue during gameplay Prevents bent corners, scratches and damages from shuffling Reinforced thickness, very strong sleeves Great shuffle-feel FFG Sleeve Color Codes Acid-free, no PVC

We advise comparing our sleeve and your card size before purchase. Actual sizes of game cards may be subject to change.

SPECIFICATIONS Sleeve size 46 x 71 mm QTY per pack 50 pcs Material Polypropylene Packaging type OPP bag

For card size up to 44 x 69 mm Compatible with: Gloomhaven™, Scythe™, Spirit Island™, Ticket to Ride™, Codenames™, Chronicles of Crime™ and more!

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