Watch - EN/DE
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You have just started working at a Soviet watch factory that you've discovered used to be a World War II era munitions factory. You've been sent there to produce gears, which you can sell for money, but you also need those gears to disguise the munitions crates you smuggle out. Dig through the files in the foreman's office to uncover evidence of government corruption during the aftermath of WWII. Use the monitoring infrastructure in the foreman's office to catch your coworkers misbehaving and extract bribes from them — but be careful because someone else might be watching YOU!
The artistically composed thematic Eurogame Watch blends theme into the game mechanisms masterfully: While playing, you can feel the clock ticking as you try to hide your mischievous actions from the other players. To succeed, you must ensure that the gears fall into their specific clockwork spot exactly when and where you need it!
Ein Strategie-Spiel von Daniel Newman für 1-4 Spieler:innen, ab 14 Jahre. (Spieldauer ca. 60 min)
Als Arbeiter in einem sowjetischen Uhrenwerk stoßt ihr auf ein dunkles Geheimnis! Ihr müsst Überstunden schieben, Schmuggeln, Bespitzeln und Bestechen, um in dieser ehemaligen Munitionsfabrik unter der Missgunst eurer Genossen zum „Held der Arbeit“ ernannt zu werden! Inhalt: 1 Spielplan Deutsch-Englisch 50 Metallzahnräder 113 Stanzteile 54 Karten 4 Tableaus 2 Wertungstableaus 81 Holzscheiben 4 Holzfiguren 1 roter Würfel 1 Regeln
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