Adventures & Academia: First Class Cunning & Divine

Artikelnummer: SFGAA1C-002
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

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Adventures & Academia First Class are a collection of magical college characters for 5e roleplaying games.

Your adventures will surely make the grade with this set of six preassembled, highly-detailed PVC miniatures, each representing an iconic roleplaying class.

Barnaby, Letha, and Rusya are pupils of promising magical means belonging to House Arcane. The Wizards, Warlocks, and Sorcerers of this House seek to prove magic can overcome any obstacle.

Arthur, Bondus, and Vianola are powerful protégés of House Might, home to Barbarians, Monks, Fighters, and all those who work to master their inner strength. House Arcane

House Arcane seeks to prove magic can overcome any obstacle. Here warlocks, sorcerers, and wizards all learn magical power is to be understood and wielded in equal measure. Unlocking the secrets of magic isn’t without its mishaps, and House Arcane is responsible for the majority of admissions to the Academy’s infirmary. House Might

Founded by Tizon, a sentient magical sword, House Might is home to those who seek to master their physical might and become the best fighters they can be. Inner strength, determination, and discipline are the house’s key virtues.

Home to fighters, monks, and barbarians, House Might teaches its students both the logistics of leadership and mastery of their chosen weapon — be it the blade, fist, or mind.

This is the house of self-improvement. It seeks to prove that the mind can master the body, and anybody can become the best version of themselves through hard work and dedication.

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