Spires: Lineage Highborne

Artikelnummer: PBW7115
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"Among the highest echelons of the Lineages, none are truly expected to risk their lives anymore, much less for something as simple and trivial as combat. The chosen warriors of the Sovereign's Lineages stride through the battlefield safely projecting their consciousness into their Avatara: outlandish creations bedecked in all sorts of ornament and Biomantic enhancements, whose lithe, androgynous frames bely the speed and power they can bring to bear. With almost no personal risk and minimal skill needed to become a deadly foe, many scions of the Lineages have taken to decorating their Avatara as ostentatiously as possible, for the body-vessels have made them such proficient killers that a tally of the slain foes is simply no longer a practical method by which to distinguish oneself. To date, only those Lineages directly descended from the Sovereign have displayed the capability to deploy Avatara surrogates. If any among the Directorate or the minor Lineages possess the capability, they keep it well hidden for they know the Sovereign will stop at nothing to ensure their destruction, as he already did when the surrogates were first displayed."

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