Copper Brown 2mm

Artikelnummer: GG2-CB
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

5.40 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock


Hersteller: Gamers Grass

Landing on the surface the colors are astonishing. Like a meadow in a dream – not green, rather brownish-orange, as if one could still assume some sanity.

Low tufts with a light copper tone perfect to simulate arid environments and to create mythical otherworldly backgrounds. In combination with other colors and sizes they provide a fascinating color and height variation to your scenes.

This sheet contains around 115 different shaped and sized tufts for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas.

We recommend using a pair of tweezers for more control to peel the tufts off the sheet. For a more tough and permanent fix, you can use a little PVA glue.

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