Soviet Army Tank Crew

Artikelnummer: WAR-403014015
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

15.90 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock


Hersteller: Warlord Games Alle Miniaturen werden unbemalt geliefert.

The Soviet armoured juggernaut that rolled through Eastern Europe and into Germany was as much the product of its crews as its vehicles – and these hardy Russian tankers exemplify the kind of men (and women!) who took the fight to the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front. With six partial figures including a female commander to mount in your hatches, plus three dismounted and fighting on foot, this pack gives you a great, simple way to add loads of character to any Soviet Bolt Action or Achtung Panzer! collection.

Pack contains six partial mounted figures and three dismounted figures (Warlord Resin) with plastic bases.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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