Skill Ring 40mm YELLOW

Artikelnummer: GSW_BASE5047
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

2.75 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock


Blood Bowl Skill Markers 40 mm Yellow Set of spare skill rings for interchangeable blood bowl base system available in 9 colors and 2 sizes 32mm for standard miniatures and 40mm for big-size miniatures. Its use is simple and intuitive. Just slide the appropriate ring onto the base of your miniature to indicate the player's skill or status. The rings are designed to be easily removable and interchangeable and it is not necessary to magnetize them allowing you to update the player's status as the game progresses. They are a valuable tool for both seasoned Fantasy Football veterans and newcomers to the game. Our range covers a comprehensive range of skills and statuses commonly used in all sorts of fantasy football games, including Block, Dodge, Claws, Guard, Sure Hands, and more. This extensive selection ensures that you have all the necessary skill markers to accurately represent the abilities and conditions of your players, no matter what team you are fielding or what scenarios you encounter during your matches. Color: Yellow Content: 10 plastic arches for 40mm bases

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