Minimoto Koyama

Artikelnummer: GCT_BMC021
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

11.90 nicht verfügbar


Minimoto Koyama, a living legend, is revered among those dispatched and serving in the Garrison of the Damned, to which she has dedicated her life. During a fateful expedition into the underworld, she endured a humiliation no other Minimoto could bear: the loss of her armour. The only piece she managed to salvage became the vessel for the kami, now known as Aoi. Through an almost suicidal determination, Koyama procured herself a second suit of armour. This achievement positions her as a beacon of redemption for those dispatched to the Garrison. Koyama feels an obligation to the ashigaru who stood by her when all she had was shame, and she often finds herself in conflict with the Nanashi. Should a scout come to her for aid, she will lead the way, Aoi glowing in one hand and an axe ready in the other. Minimoto Koyama brings further variety to the Minimoto samurai and is the epitome of a samurai used to fighting back the bakemono horde. She has useful abilities for finding camouflaged foes and can light up the area around her using Aoi, mitigating Darkness effects. Of course, being a Minimoto samurai, Koyama is no slouch in combat, even if she wields an axe instead of a tetsubo.

Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

Note: this product comes with a plastic base.

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