Necromunda The Book of Desolation

Artikelnummer: 301-29
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41.00 auf Lager / in stock
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Bitte beachte, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

Hive Secundus, once the shining pinnacle of Necromunda, is now a haunted, alien-infested hell.

A bastion of education and enlightenment, Hive Secundus was where Necromunda’s greatest minds were encouraged to prosper... until the Inquisition discovered the insidious truth lurking at the heart of Necromunda’s second city. The cancer was so deep-seated that Hive Secundus was razed to the ground, and the ruins declared quarantine extremis for more than a century. But, even the most diabolical weaponry in the Imperial arsenal couldn’t destroy the horrors below the Jewel of Necromunda... or the lost treasures that draw gangs into its grasp.

It is time to leave Hive Primus as Necromunda: Book of Desolation introduces gangs to the perilous landscape of the abandoned hive. They will clash in search of priceless, ancient archeotech, all the while hunted by xenos horrors and the corrupted servants of the Malstrain.

Inside this 144-page supplement, you will find: – Beyond the Dust Wall: Details about the terrifying Malstrain threat that lives in the Secundan abyss and Lady Haera's journey into the depths of the Underhells. – New Gangs: Rules for fielding Spyre Hunting Parties and Malstrain gangs, as well as modifying gangs to be Secundan Incursion gangs or Malstrain Corrupted gangs. – Desolation Campaign: A complete campaign for all Necromunda gangs in the Secundan Exclusion Zone. – Scenarios: Six new scenarios for the Desolation Campaign, including rules for using Roaming Horrors. – Ferryman Teams: Rules for including these guides to the Secundan Exclusion Zone in your Necromunda campaigns. – Vehicle Rules: A new Custom Rig profile and new vehicle Upgrades and Wargear. – Gang Tactics: Two new sets of gang tactics for players fighting in the Underhells of Hive Secundus and Spyrer Hunting Party gangs.

This is an expansion to Necromunda – you'll need a copy of the Necromunda Core Rulebook, available separately, to use the contents of this book.

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