BattleTech Technical Readout Succession Wars

Artikelnummer: CAT35135
inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

44.90 auf Lager / in stock
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Technical Readout: Succession Wars is the perfect “first Technical Readout” companion to the BattleMech Manual. Combining the ’Mechs found in previous Technical Readouts: 3039, 3050 Upgrade, 3058 Upgrade and 3075, this volume features some of the most common ’Mechs from the Age of War to the Succession Wars.

Each machine is illustrated in detail, and accompanied by a description of its history, capabilities and game stats. It also covers each BattleMech’s most famous pilots.

This is the perfect "first Technical Readout" companion to the BattleMech Manual. Combining the 'Mechs previously found in Technical Readout: 3039, Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade, and Technical Readout: 3075, this volume features some of the most common 'Mechs from the Age ofWar to the Succession Wars. Each machine is illustrated in detail, and accompanied by a description of its history, capabilities, game stats, along with their most famous pilots.

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