US Airborne (Winter) HQ

Artikelnummer: WAR-403019924
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

14.00 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock


Take charge and move out!

US Airborne officers went through the same rigorous training program as their men, producing leaders who were just as tough as the troops they commanded. Heavy emphasis was placed on aggression and initiative, as platoon commanders would often be expected to operate away from senior leadership for extended periods of time – this would prove essential during the intense but often localised fighting during the Battle of the Bulge. Specialists attached to headquarters units such as radiomen and medics would also receive the same training – they were paratroopers first and foremost.

Leadership is absolutely essential in Bolt Action, with the platoon system meaning you’ll always be in need of good officers! You get two in this set, along with an always-useful Medic, plus a radio operator – perfect for serving as a Forward Observer or as a Spotter for one of your indirect-fire weapons. Your US Airborne deserve the best leaders possible, and these men, suitably equipped for cold weather, are the ones for the job!

Rally up!

Contains four Warlord Resin US Airborne (winter) figures, and plastic bases.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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