US Airborne (Winter) Weapons Teams

Artikelnummer: WAR-402213114
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

19.00 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock


Support your boys now!

US Airborne forces, by their very nature, tended to travel light – this meant that they were often heavily reliant on what they could carry for their supporting firepower immediately after jumping, before heavier reinforcements could arrive. Once off the drop zone and fighting as normal infantry, these weapons would continue to be put to good use, ensuring that the paratroopers were able to take on any adversary.

This set gives you three great supporting options for your US Airborne Rifle Platoons – a Sniper Team that can pick out enemy officers with ease, a Light Mortar Team to rain down high explosives, and a Bazooka Team ready to stop enemy armour in its tracks – all great ways to reinforce a simple Rifle Platoon and enable it to perform a far wider range of tasks on the Bolt Action tabletop.

Call in the specialists!

Box contains six Warlord Resin US Airborne (Winter) figures, three Bolt Action Order dice, and plastic bases.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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