NEU Sirius Dice - Dungeons & Dragons Acererak's Treasure Gold Ed

Artikelnummer: BF-SDZ2001-08
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

19.95 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock


1 Zufälliges Würfelset, Würfelbeutel und Münze.

Unlock the mysteries of the Dungeons & Dragons Acererak's Treasure Packs: Gold Edition, where every pack is a gateway to a D&D adventure. Each pack contains a full 7-piece dice set, a metal ability coin, and a quality embroidered D&D bag. Be on the hunt for only 50 SUPER LEGENDARY Gold Packs!

Hunt for the Ultimate Treasure Each pack offers a chance to discover a Gold Pack containing one of the 50 gold leatherette dice bags, numbered gold-plated Eye of Vecna coins, a rare artifact of immense power, and a rare or legendary dice set along with a redemption code for a SUPER LEGENDARY gemstone dice set — This means you have the chance to add not just one, but two awesome sets to your collection!

Exclusive Dice Sets Explore a dazzling array of 72 new dice sets in these packs, with unique sub-collections, including the Rare Meadow Dice Sets and the Legendary Hardwood Grove Sets.

New Ability Coins Immerse yourself in the rich lore of Dungeons & Dragons with 22 new Ability Coins that feature iconic settings like Ravenloft, Baldur’s Gate, Spelljammer, and Planescape. Each coin is a piece of D&D history, waiting to be added to your collectio

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