
Artikelnummer: GCT_BTA004
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

11.90 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock


Much like the spiders they emulate, the Jaakuna men do not have a great life. Used for their blood, life force and manual labour, they adore and worship the more spider-like women even though none of them has ever progressed so far. All Jaakuna men are fated to die young, looking after crawlerling spiders ensures they receive many bites and lose a lot of blood before any enemies even see them. Touwa has managed to stay alive longer than others by procuring fresh food from trapped victims for his masters. Although he has enough Poison Markers to eventually kill him, Touwa can make a big impact on the game, for his Rice Cost, before his eventual expiration. Being able to force enemies to take the same damage as he does means that if he can get multiple enemies into BtB he can inflict damage every turn. Other than this he is exceptionally cheap for a 3 melee model and his fanatical Fearlessness is always helpful.

Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

Note: this product comes with a plastic base. You may purchase resin receptacles upgrades with optional magnets here.

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