NEU Hundred Kingdoms: Sicarii

Artikelnummer: PBW2239
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

39.99 auf Lager / in stock
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Barred by law from employing men at arms, the Theist Church has turned to the Sicarii to become their main bodyguards and enforcers. The archaic form and wording of this ancient ban was circumvented by the Church arguing that as the Sicarii go into battle unarmored and even more ancient laws allow all peasants to carry 'blades' for hunting or self defense. Their political clout has allowed them to exploit these technicalities to deploy the Sicarii in numbers, but still deprives them of the ability to employ more conventional forces. Raised since orphans on the Church's creed, the Sicarii are fearsome and devoted warriors, unflinching in the face of death in battle against the enemies of their faith. HOW THEY PLAY: Originally the bodyguards of Theists Priest, the Sicarii are a truly menacing force on the Battlefield! Armed with armor cleaving falchions and supported by the powerful spells of the faithful - the Sicarii combine a powerful punch with a zealous determination to hold their ground!

12 models per pack Includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 Command Card.

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