NEU Hundred Kingdoms: Crusading Noble Lord

Artikelnummer: PBW7238
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

24.99 auf Lager / in stock
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The reasons a Noble Lord might take up the mantle of a crusade are many and varied, ranging from the practical to the spiritual, but the end results are often the same: a loyal noble in charge of an armed host at the disposal of the church to wield against its sanctioned enemies without infringing upon the ancient laws that still bind the church. These warriors take up the mantle of the devout and strike fear into the hearts of their foe who know no action is forbidden to them in pursuit of the Churches enemies. HOW THEY PLAY: Dedicated to the Theist Church these Noble Lords have renounced the privileges of nobility to wage war against the enemies of the Hundred Kingdoms. Combining troops usually associated with the Feudal part of the 100K roster you are able to create a force entirely of Crusaders, zealous Sicarii, mighty Archangels and waves of faithful Militia!

1 Resin Miniature, 1 x 27mm plastic base, 1 Command Card

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