NEU Hundred Kingdoms: Archangel

Artikelnummer: PBW2238
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

103.00 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock
129.99 €
Sie sparen: 20.76%


Kindled by the faith of the Theist devout, the Archangels of the Theos have descended upon Ea to cleanse the land of the enemies of the Theist Church. Boundless faith given form and definition by the shattered places of worship that their followers have sacrificed, these beings are relentless foes of any who would oppose the church. Their mere presence on the battlefield elevates the faith of the devout to terrifying heights, enabling them to perform feats of faith and valour no foe has recourse against. This monster model includes an alternate head and weaponry. HOW THEY PLAY: Faith taken form from the rubbles of consecrated grounds - the Archangels will make your opponents think twice before setting foot on places of worship. Guided by religious zeal they act as powerful beacons of a Theist's Priests miraculous powers. With a choice of Greatsword and Shield and Spear you have a chance to customize your Archangels to fit a host of different roles from Objective Zone holder to a versatile combat monster!

1 Plastic Monster Miniature with Alternate Heads and Weapons, 1 Monster Stand, 1 Monster Base, 1 Command Card and assembly instructions.

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