NEU The Silver Bayonet: Italy: The Shades of Calabria

Artikelnummer: BP1894
inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

18.90 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock


Erweiterung zu The Silver Bayonet auf englisch.

Venture into the undead-ravaged lands of southern Italy with this supplement for The Silver Bayonet, featuring a solo/cooperative campaign, new soldiers, and new foes.

Something sinister has risen in Calabria, the hauntingly beautiful yet dangerous province of southern Italy. Still recovering from the destructive earthquake that killed tens of thousands of people, the region's clergy preach a crusade against France and its allies. As the major nations vie for military, political, and ideological supremacy over the Mediterranean, the Bourbon royal family plots to reclaim its Neapolitan throne, sending agents from its Sicilian stronghold to support the briganti – Calabria's bandit gangs – in waging a bloody guerrilla war against the occupying French. Meanwhile, rumors spread that the dead no longer rest easy, but rise from their graves to wander isolated valleys and mountain paths...

You are sent into this powder keg to seek out the truth behind these tales. Amid the chaos, you will encounter enemies both mortal and monstrous, including a variety of undead… and those who command them. A solo/cooperative campaign and competitive scenarios will challenge your troops, so recruit new soldiers and steel your nerve to face the many perils of mysterious Calabria.

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