NEU Llama Dice Set: Puffy

Artikelnummer: QWS_RLLA05
inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versand nach Germany / Deutschland

18.90 auf Lager / in stock
auf Lager / in stock


Hersteller: Q-Workshop

Llama Dice Set: Puffy for the sweets! Many of us like hard risk–high reward kind of adventures, but—from time to time—some gentle respite is more than needed. Lo and behold the Dice Set in shimmering-raspberry and gold color theme, made to sweeten up the deal, or simply be sweet! A special artistic font is accompanied by hoof prints, and llamas take their time to enjoy life on the highest faces.

This Dice Set includes 7 items: D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100, and a modern D4, for everyone to enjoy. The background of the dice is shimmering-raspberry (infused with glitter dust), and the paintings are gold. Truly sweet! The font of the digits is ornamental and swirly, accompanied by hooves’ prints along the surface. The highest face of each dice shows a llama walking, jumping, sitting, or playing, as this Dice Set is like the tastiest candy ever.

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