NEU MÖRK BORG Cult: Feretory (MÖRK BORG Supp.)

Artikelnummer: BU-FLEFLFFLW09
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MÖRK BORG CULT: FERETORY is a sinful zine full of community made classes, adventures and horrible treasures for use with MÖRK BORG or other rules-light dark fantasy games. It includes:

The Monster Approaches... Create your own terrible foe with this monster generator. Determine appearance, behavior, abilities, goal and strange habits for your new friend. Roads to Damnation. Simple rules for overland travel, including distances, road encounters, village types and destinations. Eat Prey Kill. Rules for hunting for food (or sport). Also 54 fully statted monsters, 6 for each major area of the dying world. The Death Ziggurat. A delve into the ruins of a lost temple city where something is awakening. A descent into undead madness. A Cosmic Necrocrawl at the end of time. The Death Ziggurat is a short adventure about postponing the inevitable. d100 Items & Trinkets. What can be scored in the darkest of cellars and the rucksacks of the fallen? Use this list of keepsakes and trinkets to find out. The Goblin Grinder. The streets of Galgenbeck are overrun with goblins, turning burgher and pauper alike into their own cursed kin. But not to worry! For a low cost, a local chemist can whip up a cure. Until the price rises anyway. Risks? Of course not, it's tested and guaranteed to work! A cursed urban slaughterfest of an adventure about plagues, panic and profit. The Tenebrous Reliquary. A d66 table of terrible treasures. The Volt Thrower and the Plasmatic Idol. The Cauldron of Lies and the Zodiac Lung. Tyrant's Tongue and the Foehammer. The Grey Galth Inn. Welcome to this fine (ish) establishment in the bad part of Galgenbeck where you can eat, drink and hope to multiply your coins with a game of Three Dead Skulls. The Tablets of Ochre Obscurity. Ancient, sought-after clay tablets containing Powers that only the most enlightened mystic (or forlorn philosopher) can hope to wield. Four additional classes: The shapeshifting Cursed Skinwalker, the alien Pale One, the blasphemous Dead God's Prophet and the despondent Forlorn Philosopher. Dark Fort: Included in the zine is also the micro/solo dungeon crawling game DARK FORT and a couple of character sheets for that game.

MÖRK BORG is designed by Pelle Nilsson (Ockult Örtmästare Games) and Johan Nohr (Stockholm Kartell), published by Free League Publishing.

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